Sunday, October 5, 2008

Is India is running by a Christian PM for Christians only?

Is India is running by a Christian PM for Christians only?

Why the (sick) Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India concerns only about Christians. Where as tens of Thousands of Hindus were slaughtered in J&K. This moron did not say a word against Islamic Terrorism. The Christian Terrorists in North-Eastern States of India slaughtering Hindus on a daily basis, this idiot did not say word against them.

Christian Missionaries descended over India and harvesting Hindu souls by spending Tens of Billions of Dollars every year. This moron did not spoke against Christian aggression.

You moron, you are elected by 80% of Hindus, and only 3% Christians. Where is your loyalty?

European countries claim that they are Secular. But in reality these are fronts for Christian missionaries. They sell deadly arms to poor countries to fight among themselves and these agents of death watch from a distance. Stop the export of deadly arms and deadly missionaries.

European countries are responsible for all the world problems. They colonize the world and looted riches for 500 years, and build their mega cities. They destroyed the livelyhood of people where ever they colonized. They suppressed the native talent, they destroyed native industry, they looted native minerals and produce, they are responsible for widespread illiteracy all over the world. When a native country raising its standards, these morons sells deadly arms to the neighbors and encourage wars between them. Take the classic example of India and Pakisthan. They divided India and created Islamic Pakisthan. And they sell deadly arms to both India and Pakisthan to fight each other out. And now the same morons lecturing others how to conduct their lives. Don't look through your dirty colored eyes, instead look through the lenses of humanity.

Read the news story here.

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