Sunday, October 5, 2008

How Sonia established Gleichschaltung in India

How Sonia established Gleichschaltung in India.

Italian Sonia gained supreme political power over Hindus. Her tactics are divide and rule caste ridden Hindus. Over 12 centuries the foreign barbarians were using divide and rule to rule over Hindus of India.

She established "forcible-coordination" (Gleichschaltung) on Hindu India. She controls all aspects of Caste Hindu leaders in Congress Party. Did you find even a single Hindu leader in Congress Party voicing for One Billion Hindus? Nope. None. The sick Manhoman Singh threatning State Governments, if they don't follow his mistress commands.

She and her croney (sick Sing) running a dicatorship in the largest democracy of the world.

Disclaimer: The political power is captured by 19% minority over 81% majority in India. The PM, most powerful politician, Vice-President, President (was), powerful cabinet ministers are minorities. There is no voice for majority people. As a person he (Manmohan) is good. But under her influence he became a monster. BTW. As a person she (Sonia) may be a good, who knows. But the soul harvesting ideology from West driving her crazy.

Live and let live. Then world will be a nice place for Humanity.

Christian outcastes (untouchables) of Europe.

Christian outcastes (untouchables) of Europe.

Gypsies (Romas) living in Europe as untouchables for over one thousand years. Gypsies migrated from India to Europe in the middle ages. Since then they are living among Christians as outcastes (untouchables). Christians never integrated Gypsies into their European society. They forced them to live out side the cities and villages. They denied normal economic activites to Gypsies. They never inter marry with Gypsies.

There is no difference between Christian untouchables of Europe and untouchables in India. Both the groups faced similar disadvantages.

The three evils of the world.

There are three evils in this world and they control people all over the world. These are Communists, Soul Harvesters from West, Jihadis from middle Earth. How they control the world?

The total population of the world is 6.0 Billion.

1. Communists control 1.6 Billion people
2. Soul Harvester control 1.5 Billion people
3. And the Jihadis from middle Earth control 1.5 Billion people

So they control 4.6 Billion people out of 6.0 Billion. They are driven by intolerant ideologies towards others. They constantly fight each other and occationally fight with Pagans and Kafirs.

Only time will tell how they shape up this planet. God must save the Earth from these barbarians.

Disclaimer: This post only talks about intolerant ideology in them. The author believes that those people are all good as individuals. But the evil ideology that they follow, and practice is causing mayhem on this planet.

How Missionaries control Indian Media?

How Missionaries control Indian Media?

Propaganda is a technique to control the seemingly irrational behaviour of crowds. The 3% missionaries own 90% of Indian media and use it to manipulate majority thinking. And they also use Cinema to keep poor and illiterate Hindus live in imaginary world. They are experts in using propaganda to control Hindu mindset. They have a monopoly in Education and mould young minds to suite their evil designs.

Why Caste Hindus hate Hinduism?

Why Caste Hindus hate Hinduism and work with hand in hand with foreigners to destroy India.

From the State of Karnataka the following caste Hindus(?) were cooperating with foreign forces against their own people (other Caste Hindus). Can somebody analyze the psychology of such pathetic minds? Is it the hatred towards self that manifest as hatred towards fellow caste Hindus? Is it the greatest urge for power (evil) that force them to do all these evil activities. Really are they worthy candidates for capturing power to rule over other people? Why they act as agents of death (the evil external force that is trying to destroy Indic traditions)?

-Veerappa Moily
-Janardhan Poojari

- Deve Gowda

Disclaimer: The author believes that these are good people in general. And has no personal dislike with any one of them. Just commenting about their evil deeds against fellow Hindus. What was the driving force for doing such evil deeds against ones own fellow religionists? It (such a self hatred) was not heard in the entire Human history.

What a Missionary can do when he penetrated Pagan society

What a Missionary can do when he penetrated Pagan society

History was littered with horrific encounters between a Missionary and poor & illiterate Pagans.
Read the history of Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Asia to such violent encounters between missionaries and native population. In many cases the native population was decimated with contact with missionaries. For example, 85% of Hawaiian population succumbed to illness due to contact with missionaries. And the same thing happened in Americas.

Here we talk about 21st century missionary, who captured the power in the State of Andhra Pradesh and working as its Chief Minister. He is none other than Rajashekar Reddy. Don't confuse with his Hindu name. It is a perfect disguise for a dangerous missionary. Lets examine, what he is doing.

1. Using divide and rule policy of his masters. By promising and sanctioning religious based reservations to Muslims in violation of spirit of the Indian Constitution. This act of him is a perfect spark for religious clashes between Muslims and Hindus. This is exactly he wants. He want to create a animosity between various groups. So that present a perfect atmosphere for him to soul harvest pagans. And it can set legal precedent, so at a later date he can grant reservations to Christians. Please read my other post on "tyrant" for details.

2. He is controlling profitable Hindu temples, and spending the Temple money to send Muslims to Mekka and Christians to Jerusalem. He is funding construction of Madarsa and Churches with Temple funds. He is trying sell real estate of Temples to missionaries. Indian Constitution guarantee religious freedom to its citizens. Where as this missionary was takenover, control and manage profitable Hindu Temples and appoint his cousin brother (Bhumana Karunakar Reddy, a missionary himself) as Board Chairman of TTD. And again appoints another corrupt politician (D.K.Adikesavulu Naidu) as TTD Chairman, who belongs to his political party, the Congress Party. If you are a student of history, you can surly remember Constantin I, the son of Helena.


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90 years old, American Woman, shoots self inside foreclosed home

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What you think about it? Is it a isolated incident. Or it is the tip of the iceberg? Or it shows how rotten the underbelly of the "West". What Marxists and Mullas are thinking about it. Do you think that they may pounce on the dying "West" as Vultures feed on a dead animal.

Read on the story at

After the poor 90 year old women died, the Fannie Mae forgiven the debt. Read the following story. What moral you conculde from this story?

How the missionary looting peoples money.

The Christian Missionary (Rajashekar Reddy) Governemnt in Andhra Pradesh waiving Rs. 175 Crores loans unpaid by Minorities. Why this idiot discriminating Indian citizens on Religon basis? It means that all Indian citizens are not equal before law (under Indian Constitution). It looks like that the minorities are first class citizens and Hindus are third class citizens. Stop this discrimination towards Hindus. There are tens of Millions of poor and illiterate Hindus who are living on less than a Dollar a day. Treat all citizens equally. Poverty don't recognize once religion when it strikes.

Please read the story here.

Is India is running by a Christian PM for Christians only?

Is India is running by a Christian PM for Christians only?

Why the (sick) Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India concerns only about Christians. Where as tens of Thousands of Hindus were slaughtered in J&K. This moron did not say a word against Islamic Terrorism. The Christian Terrorists in North-Eastern States of India slaughtering Hindus on a daily basis, this idiot did not say word against them.

Christian Missionaries descended over India and harvesting Hindu souls by spending Tens of Billions of Dollars every year. This moron did not spoke against Christian aggression.

You moron, you are elected by 80% of Hindus, and only 3% Christians. Where is your loyalty?

European countries claim that they are Secular. But in reality these are fronts for Christian missionaries. They sell deadly arms to poor countries to fight among themselves and these agents of death watch from a distance. Stop the export of deadly arms and deadly missionaries.

European countries are responsible for all the world problems. They colonize the world and looted riches for 500 years, and build their mega cities. They destroyed the livelyhood of people where ever they colonized. They suppressed the native talent, they destroyed native industry, they looted native minerals and produce, they are responsible for widespread illiteracy all over the world. When a native country raising its standards, these morons sells deadly arms to the neighbors and encourage wars between them. Take the classic example of India and Pakisthan. They divided India and created Islamic Pakisthan. And they sell deadly arms to both India and Pakisthan to fight each other out. And now the same morons lecturing others how to conduct their lives. Don't look through your dirty colored eyes, instead look through the lenses of humanity.

Read the news story here.

Colonization was the handiwork of Christian Missionaries?

Colonization was the handiwork of Christian Missionaries?

Note: The purpose of this post is to educate people about the dangers posed by soul harvesters. Where ever they go they destroy native cultures, religious belief systems, languages, native dress customs, national loyalty. They create a class of people who hate their own kin and traditions and history.

Is it true? What is reality? Any keen student of History can find out the truth.

It was the missioanries (Pope) who conducted Crusades against Muslims in particular and others in genral. The Crusades against Muslims started in 11th century (The Siege of Antioch 1095) and lasted until 15th century(the Crusade of Varna 1444). The success against Muslims encouraged the missioanries (Pope) expand Crusades against rest of the world.

The Missioanry king and Queen of Spain (Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I) started the Crusaded against rest of the world by sponsoring voages. It was the missioanry zeal that exploded in the minds of missionaries and led the way for world colonization.

In the entire Human history, the period of World Colonization by Christian Zealot Missioanries was the bloodiest. The atrocities the missioanries commited on Blacks in Africa, Natives in Americas and Australia, and Hindus in India and Chinese in China have no parallels in History.

They captured all the lands belong to Blacks, Natives every where they went. They enslaved Blacks and Natives. They are the bastered father of Slavery, Bonded Labor, indenture Labor, Serfdom, Chukri System, Oppressive Regims all over the world. Native populations decimated with mere contact with these rabid missionaries every where.

The population of North America and South America before the Missionaries set put on those continenets was 100 million. These thugs killed all of them, except very few survived in romotest parts of jungles. The most heart bleeding incident was killing 0f 80 millions of Bisons in America alone by these rabid soul harvesters.

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Why Missionaries adopting Chinese Children?

Why Missionaries adopting Chinese Children?

Christian Missionaries are famous for planning for long term goals. At times they design a plan one hundred years before they implement it. For the last thirty years it was observed the missionaries in America and Europe were adopting Chinese Children. There are specialized agencies to help missioanries to get Chinese Children.

Why they are adopting Chinese Children? Really they love Chinese Children? Is there are a long term plan behind such adoptions?

Apart from Islamic countries, China restricted Christian Missionary illegal activities in China. So the soul harvesting business is not profitable for them there. So you can understand what a missioanry do in those circumstances.

Some well placed sources say that missioanries raise those Chinese Children in Christian homes in the West as Christians and release them back into China as adults. In the mean time they train them how to soul harvest Chinese Pagans. As per one estimate so far the missioanries adopted 500000 Chinese Children for such clandastine activity.

Nothing is impossible for a soul harvesting missionary. For example each missioanry open a School in India to attract innocent Hindu Children and then convert them to Christianity.

Who is the most dangerous person in the world? If you guess correctly, then you are a genious. You may be thinking about Islamic Terrorist, or Christian Missioanry, or some one else. You are wrong. The most dangerous person in the world is "a Hindu converted to Islam or Christianity". The living example is Muslims in Pakisthan and Bangladesh. And another example is Christian Terrorists in North-Eastern states of India. The Muslims in Pakisthan and Bangladesh were Hindus, before they were converted to Islam. And Christians in North-East states were Hindus before they were converted to Christianity.

Islamic Terrorism in India and Hindu reaction?

Islamic Terrorism in India and Hindu reaction?

Islam perpetuating terror in India since 710AD. From the times of Colonialism, it found a alley in Christian Missionaries. Over the last 60 years the West funded Pakisthan with 100 Billion dollars to fight against India.

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Christian Terrorism in India and Hindu reaction?

Christian Terrorism in India and Hindu reaction?

Since the time of Colonization the Missionary Terrorism was creating hevoc in India. They found able ally in Communists and Islam and in 21st century in sick Manmohan Singh, the current Prime Minister of India. This moron turn his back when Hindus were slaughtered in J&K by his Islamic Terrorist friends and threaten Hindu with any pretext and want to destroy democratically elected governemnts in Orissa and Katnataka. You can judge which side this moron is, certainly he is not a friend of Democracy. This moron born in Pakisthan (Gah is a village of Chakwal District in the Punjab province of Pakistan) . Do you think this is the reason why he is selling India to his Islamic friends?

Note: The word "moron" is used to explain how stupid and idiotic actions of Mr. Manmohan Singh. I love his work as Finance Minister under Shri. Narasimharao. He is working under tremendous pressure at the feet of that Italino Manio Sonia.

God (but no god from West) save India. For the West the Religion is a pure business. It is a tool in the hands of West to conquor the world again. They opnely colonized in the name of Christianity and ruled the world for 500 years. Now they want to rule the world again with the help of pimps (you call them agents, proxies, brokers) like Manmohan Singh. He is a good man. And he wish no harm to any one. But the evil force sitting on his head, she is reponsible for all his evil acts.

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Why Congress Party failed to produce even one proud Hindu Leader?

Why Congress Party failed to produce even one proud Hindu Leader?

There are none in the Congress Party. The Congress Party is hijacked by Missioanries and Mullas and anti-Hindu Caste leaders.

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Is Caste system was the savior of Hinduism?

Is Caste system was the savior of Hinduism?

For the last 1200 years, where ever the Mullas and Missioanries set foot, they decimated the local societies, cultures and religious belief systems globally. See the mess (garbage) they left in Africa, Americas and in Asia. African Blacks were decimated and to this day Africa is a fighting field for Mullas and Missioanries. These warring factions created deadly AIDS virus and let it loose in Africa to kill all Blacks. The few blacks that were captured and sold as slaves all over the globe, and those who were sold in America achieved some seem balance in Americs in 2oth century.

It is the only wonder of its kind that Hinduism survived in India despite the best efforts by Terrorists of all hues. Mullas wrest supreme control over Hindus in 710AD and there after, they ruled for about 900 - 1000 years. And then Missioanries from Briton (Whites) taken over the control and ruled over 200 - 250 years. After 1947 Socialists and Communists taken over the reigns. And them by that Italino Manio Sonia and her protrude Rajashekar Reddy.

What you think? Is it the Caste system that saved Hinduism? It looks like finally the Missioanries find the way to crack open Caste system for their advantage with massive amounts of money infused into the conversion activities? How long the missioanries sustain the levels of money infusion into soul harvesting business? From where they get that massive amounts of money? Is it from deadly arms sales, are from selling drugs? are looting welath from third world countries? or the newly converted in Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, India are funding such activities. From where they are getting this massive amounts of Dollars for soul harvesting? You have to know one thing, they collect 10% of your earnings as soon as you convert to Christianity. So instead of spending on you, they are getting money from you. Looks like it was a clever desin, and it is supplying steady income to expand soul harvesting activites globally. And one more thing where ever they stationed their army, that country's population dynamics changes in a shot span of time. For example Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Phillippines, Thailand and India. Before 1950's there was no Christian population (very few) in those countries, now in many countries its share is more than 50%.

So the Missioanries, Militery, the Governemnts, the Gureaucracy, Church, Pope work in hand in hand to convert Pagan Souls. You moron, understand it is a pure busines to control the world. Christianity and Church are just tools they use to control the world. The White (Roman) man find a excellent tool in Christianity and created Church to rule over the world.

Analysts are estimnating that the same White (West) man find out a new tool that is more potent and powerful than Christianity and Church in Islam and Umma. So soon or later the Whites convert to Islam enmass and bury Christianity and Church. that process already begin in Europe. Count the days.

Let discuss how Caste System saved Hinduism?

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Why White man love Islam and Umma?

The White (Roman) man find an excellent tool in Christianity and created Church to rule over the world. Within 1300 years after they convert to Christianity they conquored the world. The time line was 337AD to 1600AD.

Analysts are estimnating that the same White (West) man find out a new tool that is more potent and powerful than Christianity and Church in Islam and Umma. So soon or later the Whites will convert to Islam enmass and bury Christianity and Church for ever. Re-read the Whites (Roman) history, after they converted to Christianity, the same Whites completely destroyed their ancestral religion and culture. Derogatively they called their ancestral religon as Paganism. It looks like, that process was already began in Europe. Count the days.

Note: The title of this post did not point to racism. I personally denounce any discrimination based upon reace, sex and religion. I believe in equality of all Human beings. Why I write on this topic?. That is to educate people with real history.

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Missionary Rajashekar Reddy says Government has no role in lending loans to people.

Christian Missionary Rajashekar Reddy says Government has no role in lending loans to Minorities (Muslims and Christians) and SC/STs. It is the role of banks to lend loans to people. And he want to pay the tax payer money to repay such loans.

Read the story here.

This idiot as a Chief minister of Andhra Pradesh takenover, control and manage profitable Hindu Temples and looting them, diverting funds to send Muslims and Christians to Mekka and Jerusalem respectively. He is funding construction of Muslim Madarsa and cosntruction of Christian Churches.

Missioanry Reddy you have no role in managing profitable Hindu Temples. Immediately hand them over to Hindus. Have some shame you soul harvesting zealot.

Note: This post is not intened to attack Reddy on personal basis. He may be a good person. Who cares. But criticising him for illegally occupying profitable Hindu Temples. Indian Constitution guarantee "Religious Freedom" to its citizens (Article 25). But Hindu's Religious Freedoms are violated by him.

What happened to 49 Million Hindus in Pakisthan?

In 1947 there were 25 Million Hindus in Pakisthan. Now there are less than One Million Hindus there. What happened to those 24 Million Hindus. Even if you take the natural growth rate, their number must be about 50 Million by now. So 49 Million Hindus were missing in Pakisthan.

What happened to them? Experts say the following

1. They were mercilessly killed by Islamic Terrorists in Pakisthan
2. They were forced to convert to Islam
3. Some of them were expelled to India
4. They were sterilized by Mullas and Islamic Terrorists, so they disappeared over time

At the same time the Muslim population is multiplied 4 fold in Hindu majority India. How it was possible if Hindus control Muslims? Muslims were elected as Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Speaker of the Houses, Governers, MP's, MLA's, Movie Industry (Bollywood) is controlled by them and all other important positions in the society.

Why the U.N. and the International Human Rights organizations enquire about missing 49 Million Hindus in Pakisthan? It looks like that they only consider Muslims and Christians are Human beings and Pagans & Kafirs (Hindus) are not? How discriminatory were these satndards followed by U.N. and International Community.

Are Missioanries are spy agents for West?

Are Missionaries are spy agents for West?
Are Evangelicals are spy agents for West?

Even afetr the end of Western Political Colonization 60 years ago, the West is maintaing Economic, Religous and Cultural colonization over rest of the World. How it is maintaing such control? Who is helping them? What is their ultimate goal? Why they do it?

The well placed sources says that Christian Missioanries and Evangelicals are the spy agents stationed in foreign countires to collect and pass back sensitive information. The West passed International Religious Rights approved by Christian Pope and Missioanries unilaterally. They use such Religous rights to destabilize Native Societies and Cultures globally. And they use their powerful Media to demonize any body raises voice against soul harvesting business. They use political, money power to control Natives everywhere.

The West comprises only 10% of the world population, but consumes 50% of world resources. They rlease 80% of world polutants into atmosphere. In the name of Global Warming, they want to stiffle Native economies globally. Either they reduce their resource consumption to the level of other countries or should allow other countries to catch them in resource utilization levels.

10% West consumes 50% of world resources

West comprises only 10% of the world population, but consumes 50% of world resources. And they release 80% of world polutants.

What are the solutions to world problems? Should the rest of the world stay backwards for the sake of West!.

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Rajashekar Reddy the Christian Missioanry CM of Andhra Pradesh.

Rajashekar Reddy the Christian Missioanry CM of Andhra Pradesh.

Rajashekar Reddy is a second-generation Christian. His father, Mr. Raja Reddy, while serving in the military in Burma came across Christian missionaries and although a firm believer in Hinduism soon converted to Christianity. After returning to India, he was despised by his own caste folk and shunted out of the village. By this time, missionaries in India were leaving the shores and handing over the administration of the Church to the national Indians. It was in 1947 that the Church of South India was formed. Sri Raja Reddy began to attend the Church Services of this congregation.The Church of South India is headquartered in Chennai with dioceses throughout South India. Any one could contact the Diocese of Krishna-Godavari [Machilipatnam-Bishop Rev. G. Dyvasirvadam - also Past Professor in Andhra Christian Theological College,Gandhinagar, Hyderabad] or the Diocese of Nandyal [Nandyal-Bishop Rev. G.T. Abraham - also Past Professor in Andhra Christian Theological College, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad] to verify the antecedants as stated.Sri Y.S. Vivekananda Reddy, the brother of Sri Rajasekhara Reddy is a fund-raiser and member of the local committee of the Bible Society of India. Likewise, Sri Rajasekhara Reddy's sister is into conducting Bible classes for women. Mr. Rajasekhara's son-in-law is a global evangelist speaker.

Y. Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy (YSR) a Christian Missioanry.

For more details visit: ,

Hindu Temples and Institutions in India are unfairly targeted by State Governments in India. Using Hindu Temple Endowment Act Looting, Selling, Encroachments is occurring all over Southern India. Particularly alarming is situation in Andhra Pradesh.

Under AP CM Y. Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy (YSR) More than 1,84,000 Temples under Govt. control of which only 18% of the revenue is given back for the maintenance of Temples. Use of major chunks of temple money for political purposes, Massive sale of temple lands, Looting, Demolition, and Occupation, occurring under aegis of Govt. has become dire threat for existence of Hindu Institutions in the state. Even world famous Tirupathi temple is not spared.

Tirupathi: Govt. attempted to take over 5 out of 7 Tirumala Hills for Church and Tourism Purposes.Samuel Reddy is alleged to use TTD money for Hockey tournament in his parents name (The Hindu: 7/17/2006, Deccan Chronicle: 3/8/2007).

Demolition: Govt. demolished 1000 pillar Mantapam at Tirumala. Recently 10 temples were demolished for Golf Course. Samuel Reddy Son blew up a temple in Anantpur (Hindu 8/27/2004 Deccan Chronicle:3/8/2007, Jyoti)

Illegal occupation and Land scams: Valuable temple properties, estimated at hundreds of crores, is under encroachment. More than 50 per cent of the `land-grabbers' seem to have strong political connections,while others include those `patronized' by the Endowments Department.

Mass Land Sales: Tens of thousands of acres of endowment lands, meant for sustenance in perpetuity are being sold without approval of the Hindu community and without any justification. Eg., 3000 acres temple land in East Godavari was sold (Deccan Chronicle, 31/4/2006). Sold 9201 acres of rural temple land and decided to sell 7000 acres of urban lands worth 20,000 crores (Eenadu, 3/30/2006, Deccan Chronicle 4/8/2006).

Take Over: On 3/12/2007 State Govt. announced plans to takeover all temples, all 181 mutts and all religious trusts in the state with many crores of assets, first step in looting them (Deccan Chronicle, 3/12/2007).

Bhadrachalam: 884 Acres out of 1289 Acres of Temple land was donated to Christian Missionaries.

Srisailam: Sold 1600 Acres of Temple Land surrounding the temple was to various Christian Organisations including Tribal Gospel.

Vote bank Politics: Govt. allocates 1.1 crores for Mosques, 6.5 crores for Churches and pays for trips to Haj and Bethlehem for minority Vote banks. Compare this with 50% surcharge on bus fare on MahaSivarathri day to discourage poor Hindus visiting temples (Deccan Chronicle: 8/23/2006, 12/18/2006, Eeenadu, 2/16/2007).

TIRUPATHIThe state Govt. in association with Missionaries has particularly targeted the World famous Tirupathi temple. The subversive activities of Missionaries were zeroed at Tirumala temple itself. Adding insult to the injury the JRG Wealth Management, a Christian Organization was employed for Prasadam materials. Padmavathi University Vice Chancellor appointed by Govt. was engaging in conversion activities on campus and is reported to be responsible for suicide of a student who was forced to convert (Andhra Jyothi, 3/30/3007). Blow up of 1000 pillar Mandapam, attempt to take over 5 out of 7 hills are some of the notable atrocities.

SIMACHALAM is the Ancient Temple of Narasimha Swamy. Very Recently the Temple has come under siege by Missionaries, who have illegally occupied over 300 Acres of temple land with the help of Missionary land Mafias and local Congress Leaders. The Devotees are denied access at the foothills by the Missionaries who hurl insults and abuse at Hindu God as demons and try physically to stop them from undertaking the yatra. They lure these Hindus by providing them basic day to day needs. On many occasions the devotees have complained to the local administration, which watches these events but does not enforce the law. In a span of 20 Months, four churches and 3 convent schools have come up in the vicinity at the foothills and acting criminally a small temple of Hanuman Ji has also been demolished in the thick of the night.

BHADRACHALAM is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Sri Ramachandra and situated on the banks of the sacred river Godavari. Today this temple is also under the siege of Missionaries who have influenced the government to donate 884 Acres out of 1289 Acres of Temple land for their Activities. The Temple which had a passage of 8 entrances has been left with a single narrow passage for the devotees to enter. Govt. is currently planning to buy 900 acres of temple land at rate determined by Govt. for donation (Eenadu, 4/3/2007).
ARASAVALLIAT ARASAVALLI, which is practically the same as Srikakulam, the headquarters of the northernmost district of Andhra, there is a temple of Lord Surya. Temples dedicated to the worship of Lord Surya are rare in our country. Seventh Day Adventist missionaries have constructed a church right in front of both of its entrances.Because of the missionary arrogance and threat of violence the number of Devotees visiting this ancient temple has declined by 85% in just one year.

SRISAILAM is situated in the thick and inaccessible forests of the Nallamalai hills, in the northeastern portion of the Nandikotkur Taluk of Kurnool District. The Endowment department has sold over 1600 Acres of Temple Land surrounding the temple to various Missionary Organizations including the Tribal Gospel.

On the top of the Mangalagiri hill there is a famous temple called the Panakala Nrusimhaswamy temple, which has been attracting pilgrims for a very long time, and from all parts of the country. This ancient Temple which has the largest Gopuram approximately 14 Floors constructed by King Yudhistra has been under the attack from Missionaries. Due to Poverty, material and monetary incentives offered over 35% of the population are forced and/or lured to convert to Christianity and while the remainder were forced to leave in fear. Hindus can visit the temple only between 10 A.M - 1.P.M because of fear of attack from Christians who are residing in large number at the foothills.

Disclaimer: The news published are collected from various sources and responsibility of news lies solely on the source itself.

Missionary Y. Rajashekar Reddy met with Pope

Read the story at

Are Missionary Christians killing Hinduism?

Are Missionary Christians killing Hinduism and One Billion Hindus in broad day light? Shame on them for killing a living Religion. Shame on those who fund such henious activity. This virus is spreading globally and infecting living Native Cultures, Societies, and Belief Systems.

Read the story at

Information in the side slows:

Slide 1: Hinduism under Threat! Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 2: Hinduism under Threat! 1. Mass Conversions 2. Destruction of Hindu Institutions 3. Vote Bank Politics 4. Hindu Apathy and Ignorance 5. Solutions Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 3: Mass Conversions -15,018 persons converted in single day in Ongole -10,000 churches planned in 2005 alone, by just one group, the Seventh Day Adventists. Kyle Fiess, Maranatha (Org for building churches) marketing director reports: \"We were astonished when Ron Watts (head of Seventh Day Adventists) presented us with a proposal for 10,000 churches in India…After many experiences like the one in Ongole, we no longer consider 10,000 churches to be an unrealistic goal, but an unparalleled opportunity”. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya missionary websites. article has links to may
Slide 4: Mass Conversions In 1998, the Seventh Adventist Church reported 225,000 members. In 2005, the numbers reached 825,000. “Most of the people in the villages are from a Hindu background, so it was gratifying to see so many people accepting Jesus,\" said Stenbakken (Seventh Day Adventist). This much conversion by just one organization. There are several other organizations working in parallel. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 5: Mass Conversions Goal of 100 Million Hindu Converts Declared by Reverend Pat Robertson in Dallas Christian Conclave in Oct 2005 Worldwide Goal of One Billion Declared in the same conclave, to make up for losses in Europe Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 6: Mass Conversions Christian Population of India: 10% Many do not reveal the true situation fearing loss of reservation status Churches do not want to raise alarm bells Christian population of Andhra: 6.96% Data from 2001 per Joshua Missionary - current population could be up to 17% At this rate, Andhra Pradesh could become Christian in a decade or less Tamil Nadu could be up to 28% Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 7: Mass Conversions Vote bank of 45% (25% Christian + 20% Muslim) only is needed for any political party to get power in India (by dividing the Hindu vote) Lesson from History: Four North Eastern States of India with 75% to 95% Christian population from aggressive conversion. They were Hindu majority in 1948. Now want to separate from India. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 8: Destruction of Hindu Institutions Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 9: Andhra: TIRUPATI Attempt to take over 5 out of 7 Sacred Temple Hills for Churches, Casinos & Tourism Andhra Government, under Christian CM (YSR), attempted to take over 5 out of 7 hills for tourism. (Even 800 years muslim rules and 200 years British rule did not touch this sacred place). 3000 acres of temple land for distribution in the name of social justice for more votes in Andhra Pradesh. Timely intervention by Hindu saints stopped this attempt. Tirupati Declaration is available on the Internet. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 10: Andhra – Looting of TTD & other State Temple Properties Jan 2005,YSR March 2006, Announced the demolished 1000 sponsorship of Pillar Mandapam. Hockey Tournament YSR with TTD money on his parents’ names. Charge that 85% of TTD revenues JRG Wealth Mgmt, transferred to state a Christian Org. was exchequer was not contracted to denied by the State procure Prasadam Government for TTD ALL OVER ANDHRA, THOUSANDS OF ACRES OF TEMPLE LANDS ARE SOLD OUT. This will completely cripple the temples economically. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 11: Andhra - Treatment of Minority Institutions Allocation of Rs. 6.5 crores to mosques for repairs & renovations Allocation of Rs. 1.5 crores for construction of each new church. Rs. 80,000 for each church’s repairs & renovations It is not publicly disclosed how many churches have benefited and ultimately no public way of knowing how many crores were set aside for this purpose. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 12: YSR Reddy’s Son Blows up Hindu Temple in Andhra Y. Samuel R. Reddy’s Son Blows up Hindu Temple in Anantapur - Andhra Jyothi, (Telugu Newspaper) Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, son of Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy once again publicly affirmed his family's intolerance towards the Hindu religion by blowing up the Sunkulamma Temple in Obullapuram Village in Anantapur District. Jagan and his friend Janardhan Reddy used powerful bombs and grounded the Temple which is highly revered by the locals. Though some Congressmen claimed that Jagan did that as part of his illegal iron mining business, questions are being raised about whether he would have blown up a church under similar circumstances. Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya
Slide 13: Looting of Temple Money by Politicians CASE STUDY: KARNATAKA, 2002 Total number of Temples: 207,000 Total collections at the Temples: 72 Crores Money spent on Temple Upkeep: 6 Crores Money spent on Muslims for Haj: 50 Crores Money spent on churches: 10 Crores Money for other activities: 6 Crores -- Report by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar & India Today Copy for General Distribution-Hitaya

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Protecting Hindus against external aggression.

Protecting Hindus against external aggression.

One Billion Hindus are in danger of loosing the battle with Soul harvester from West. Increasingly Hindus are attacked by intolerant soul harvesters from west with their might (Money, Media and Muscle power). Being in minority(19%), they captured political power over majority Hindus(81%) in India. The ruling Apartheid regime destabilizing India.